
Grateful, Truly Grateful

Ten months of hard work.  The last 10 months have flown by since I joined HealthQuest.  The amount of joy and gratitude I have is indescribable for what my daily classes/instructors have done for my heart as well as my muscles.  No longer do I dream of years gone by and all the fun, exciting things I used to be able to do on and off the farm with my arsenal of horses.   Every day I wake up excited to start the day.  Typically, a daily 3 mile walk on the golf course with hubs and pup dog gets the blood flowing followed by quick trip to HealthQuest for a morning Yoga/Pilates/Balance/Pump or Barre class gets the core/muscles engaged.  I'm happy to admit there are days that I can't get to the gym in the morning, but I do promise you I'm still getting my blood flowing in a different way.  About 5 days a week, I'm out riding my good friend Cindy Nance's hunt horses getting the blood pumping in a totally different way!  If I miss those morning classes, no problem!  There a

Still dreaming, still working, and ever hopeful!

It's insane that I can even contemplate trying to get this body back - THANK YOU HQ! In my wildest dreams I didn't think getting back in shape was really ever going to happen again.  As of November, my goal was to be stable on my feet and not trip and fall (with the hope of being able to get back to riding again on the back burner).  For three years I struggled walking on any sort of a grade and frequently tripped walking.  I had truly given up and instead decided to eat my way through the depression I smiled through.  As the months rolled on, I became weaker and weaker to the point I couldn't ride my horse without my knee giving out.  For those that have followed my wellness blog thus far, I'm sure by this post I probably sound like a broken record talking about my broken bits, and "Oh, woe is me."  Be damned "Woe is me", "I'll get there" is my new creed! Without fail, there is a daily gush to whoever taught, whatever class I took toda

Humpty Dumpty Graduates!

 Yesterday I opted to try a small little disc for support for my wonky knee.  For the most part it was a success!  I used it in the Barre Sculpt class in the morning with only a moment of discomfort and it was perfect for my evening Yoga Flow class! Needless to say, I couldn't be more excited!  It's been less than two months since I joined HealthQuest and I feel SO MUCH stronger and more stable.  My end goal might be attainable by Spring after all!  Here's to working hard and praying for the best. Did I mention that my horse is the reason I'm fighting for stability?  I purchased an absolutely gorgeous imported Trakhener mare last year that I knew wasn't the perfect match for me at the time, but I had hopes and dreams of becoming the rider that she needed.  As time went on my sweet sensitive mare took issue with me hunching over in pain and MAYBE screaming out a few curse words from time to time when my knee would lock/snap and release.  Ugghh, the pain was intense a

Body Balance and not looking like a floundering fish out of water!

I actually thought I was done with cathartic tears on the yoga mat!  Not today, No Sir. My shit eating grin during our final meditation in the Body Balance class paired well with the tears trickling out of the corners of my eyes with gratitude! What a big baby I am!  Last week our kind instructor kept taking the time to make sure I could figure out the correct moves without too much flailing.... Today she made sure to be close enough to guide me again if needed.  I felt so much stronger and more confident today.  MORE flexible, STRONGER in my core, LESS of a moron figuring out the flow of the movements.  I can't say that I "owned" it, but I sure felt like balancing on my two feet wasn't a total pipe dream!!!!  

2024 - Here we go!

  Good morning 2024!  I'm ready for you!  Here's to building this broken body back up and trying new things.  I'll be sharing some new exciting news later today and I will definitely be living outside my comfort zone starting this month.  Wish me luck as try to not only build strength but work on being courageous as well and trying new things!  My resolution for this new year is to become more stable on my feet.  Ok, Stable on my feet AND stronger would be great.  Ok, let me be completely honest.... Stable on my feet, stronger and significantly thinner so I could once again feel like my best self would be STELLAR!!!!  So much to share about upcoming changes, but I'll save that for a later post.  I quickly wanted to share yet again how much I love HealthQuest and the community that makes up this incredible gym!  I had been nagging my husband to come join me for a class, and to my surprise he actually showed up.  Of course, I was just getting ready to start class #2 for t

No tears today!

It has been an awesome month at the gym. I know I'm getting stronger. and more stable on my feet.  The ankle is still healing, and the knee is still unstable, but I'm on my way.   I know there are some things I will never be able to do again, and I think I'm ok with that.  I keep asking more of my broken body, my instructors are gently guiding and pushing me, and I know I have the support I need to persevere.  Without question this is going to be a long process, and I don't know if the end result is going to help me achieve my ultimate goal, so I'm trying to focus on the here and now.  Every day I go to HealthQuest I do a class, some days two classes, and I keep trying to add more challenging ones. I'm nowhere near ready to go crazy in a Zumba class, or do heavy weights, but every time I challenge myself, I find I can do the movements with less floundering about looking like a fish out of water. This blog is definitely aptly named as there have been so many tear

Who would have thought - HealthQuest was the answer?

I truly can't begin to tell you how incredibly excited I am and truly grateful, hopeful and I feel the future will be bright! I couldn't wait to share this with you.  Those that know me, know that I am a painfully shy introvert.  Ok, those in the horse world probably didn't get that vibe, but in the "real world" I'm painfully shy.  Heck, even around my own family, I'm typically on the quieter side. There is the exception of when I'm talking about horses or Magna Wave.  I'll get back to my other "tribe" later and explain what Magna Wave is, as it's the only other topic up until now I can prattle on about for hours.  I started a Blog over a decade ago when I went on the hunt to find my birthparents.  I'm perfectly content to type away and share all my dark secrets from my keyboard.  I mean, really, who's actually going to read what I write???  I type so I don't forget.  Because I will admit, I forget a lot!  Some things are